Ädelbrook is committed to being the premier resource for children, families, and communities to meet the needs of youth and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorders and other behavioral and developmental challenges.
Through collaboration, both internally and externally, we will utilize our expertise to provide high quality, comprehensive, data-driven, person-centered services with compassion. By building trust in a safe and nurturing environment, we will help those we serve find a future filled with achievement, dignity, happiness, and hope.

We will continue to expand our services:
- We operate specialized education, community and residential programs for youth with autism;
- we provide emergency and transitional respite programs;
- we offer short term residential assessment;
- we are a licensed and certified residential treatment facility for young people;
- we treat children who suffer from trauma;
- we operate a full venue of residential treatment programs;
- we offer in-home behavioral services;
- we are a qualified provider of a number of services for persons with Intellectual Disabilities;
- we are certified by the State Department of Education at our Academies and Transitional Academies.
We will:
Pursue excellence in person centered care provided by our staff in residential, educational and community based treatment programs for children and young adults with Autism Spectrum Disorder, Intellectual Disabilities; trauma and/or psychiatrically based behavioral health concerns;
Pursue growth in residential, educational and community programs to include satellite operations for current services and specialization/expansion of services to adults and special needs clients;
Continue to refine our programs and develop superior expertise in the treatment and transitions of youth with developmental disabilities and autism as well as adults;
Develop new service lines suited to the innovation of best treatment practice models while pursuing excellence in service outcomes; and
Grow our endowment to support continuing program development and therapeutic alternatives for those on the autism spectrum as well as those challenged with intellectual/developmental disabilities or with psychiatrically acute, complex mental health concerns.